Ahmedabad (Gujarat) [India], April 7 (ANI): As many as 10 new cases of coronavirus have been confirmed on Tuesday, said Jayanti Ravi, Principal Secretary (Health), Gujarat."With 10 more COVID-19 positive cases, the total number of positive cases of coronavirus in the state has increased to 175," said Ravi at a press conference here.She also confirmed the deaths of two coronavirus positive patients and two people getting discharged."Of the 175 cases, 126 people are stable and four have been put on ventilators," she added.Speaking on boosting immunity against the coronavirus during the lockdown, the Principal Secretary said, "People should follow the Ministry of Ayush's protocol to remain healthy and boost their immunity."Meanwhile, according to the latest update on the website of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the total number confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country is 4789 and 124 deaths. (ANI)
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